Perpetually Late
I dont know why, but for some reason I'm always putting this off until tomorow. Of course we all know how that goes: Tomorow never comes! :) Well here I am finally, after almost a month and a half I'm going to let you all know what is going on in my life.
Last week Jenn finally got her car (Which she has been dreaming about doing for about 14 years! :)) so we immediately went for a 5hr drive north, and a 3 day stay at Killarney Park. We loaded up the Canoe, and as much stuff as we could possibly need in the trunk/back seat, and left. it was a great weekend, and although it IS still ontario, Killarney is actually quite pretty.

I should have a job starting next week, working for Stats Canada, only for a week or two, but it should get me through the rest of the summer.
I start school in september. My student loan came through so I know I'll be able to do it... it still seems kinda unreal though.
I almost made it to a podcasting conference in Kingston; however, I decided I really couldn't afford the travel, the cost, and the staying there... ahh well, maybe next year! :)
My little brother, Liam, Is comeing to this area of the country, to represent NB in the national chess championships! he's playing in the 12 and under catagory! :) (he's ranked somewhere in the top 5 in canada!) you can actually watch his games (or any other games, some live!), at: And keep an eye out for this guy! :D

Good luck Liam! :)
Well thats it for this month! lol :) Have a good summer I'll get back when I can.