
Yes, Sharpening. this is to illustrate how sharpening effects the picture. it is also a necessity in digital photography. EVERY digital photo taken needs to be sharpened. in most point & Shoot cameras this is done automatically, but with the RAW files I'm working with it needs to be done on the computer. I'm not sure you can see it here, maybe try clicking on the picture and opening it up bigger. Or at least trust me, that there is a difference. :)
Gabe, is there a 'why' you can offer? I am just curious why sharpening is necessary. I know I can turn it off on my consumer level digital, and it may be a good idea for me to look at doing it by hand on occasion, but I would need to have a basic understanding of what to look for, etc...
well, anytime an image is digitalized it looses sharpness. even with the best cameras, or scanners out there. most digital point and shoots automate the sharpening process, at the same time they apply the white balance, the colour adjustments, etc. most of the time this is just fine. however, because of how sharpening works (it outlines certain contrast pixels with the opposing tone (if something is white, it outlines in black.))you can loose some info in your picture, so you really only want to sharpen once, just before you print. so if you have a picture that you might want more sharpening in,or if you are going to do some manipulation to it, then that is when it is best to do on the computer. it's all about control.
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