The first ever!

SO! Welcome to my little space. I've resisted starting one of these, because I've always felt they are a dumbing down of what it has always meant to have a webpage. Although as a means to procrastinate, this is a wonderful way to go.
I'm getting myself ready to finish the term in the one class I'm in, and I'm also getting ready to move, pack, apply for loans and jobs. and basically just going crazy. I'm looking forward to the rest of the year and being in a new place.
allright. I'll get myself back to work! check back again for more updates!
Hey Gabe,
Sorry to have sucked you into yet another of my evil habits. . . blogging, chocolate, caffiene
Welcome aboard
lol, no problem dear, I'll survive along with the rest of it.
Dude...blogging is the wave of the future!
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